Thursday, 16 April 2009

Child Portrait shoot - Stanley Park

I went out today to photograph a little girl for one of the Mums at my Daughters school. We had lovely time at Stanley park and with a little previous planning I produced a selection of photographs I was pleased with. With Mums permission I made a flyer out of some of the images with the intention of getting some work over the school holidays. Stanley Park proved a great location despite the gloomy weather with plenty of various background opportunity

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Hayley Edge Photography- Lytham Hall

I went on a photo shoot last week to Lytham Hall, Steve and Stephanie Ashton recommended the location and gave me some really helpful tips on lighting models, after speaking with Francina at agency 22 famous in Blackpool we agreed that in exchange for a few photographs for their portfolio's I could use their models. The girls were lovely and the location was fabulous!

I have added a few shots, any comments would be apreciated