Monday, 26 October 2009

Wedding Rowton Castle

I really love my job! I have just been to one of the most beautiful parts of England to photograph a wedding with a really lovely family, I was absolutley blown away by this familys efforts to make everything run so smoothly for Paul and Claires special day, they had made all of the dresses, flower arrangements and seat covers. By all accounts family homes had been very exciting places over the past few months. Thankyou so much for letting me record this special day.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Family Portrait

Todays family portrait session was with a family who have been working really hard over the last couple of years converting an old farmhouse in order to achieve the perferct place to raise a young family, the children showed me round and below are some of the shots of the day.....

Saturday, 3 October 2009

My Lovely Boy

Just a bit of fun to commemorate my little boys first day at school. I think he looks sooooooooo! cute