Monday, 22 June 2009

Family day out in the Lake District

I adore the Lake District! when I was growing up my Grandparents had a static caravan on a lovely site near Milnthorpe, as I spent most of my childhood years with my lovely Grandma and Grandad most weekends and holidays were spent exploring the Lakes. We went walking, had picnics and visited friends. Still a big part of my life, I now enjoy family days out with my husband, two children Abbie and Finlay and now our new edition Marley (our fourteen week old Lhasa Apso puppy) he recently had his immunisations which means we can now introduce him to the big wide world, naturally we went to the Lakes. Marley was brilliant and walked so well, staying by our side all of the time we were out, we even let him off the lead to give him his own freedom. He chased Abbie and Finlay round and was fussed over by almost all passers by.
below are some of my pici's from the day..........

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