Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Friday, 28 January 2011

I'm back.....

Just popping some new images up from a recent nursery photo shoot I had the pleasure to do.

I really love photographing children, they are so naturally happy and each little face smiling back at me has it's own unique little character.

I worked in childrens nurseries and actually managed two before my own children were born, I really enjoyed working with a large group and now it's so nice to be able to visit nurseries to photograph children in a natural and playful environment.

I hope you enjoy this small selection of images,

Monday, 29 November 2010

Commercial Photo Shoot

I haven't been very good to my blog recently, I have been so busy it's been hard to find a spare few minutes.
I have been doing Lot's of various work which have included commercial jobs for So Business solutions, dress 2 impress dress hire in Poulton Le Fylde and lifestyle work in Blackpool's A to Zoo Nursery, all this on top of my family portrait work, I have been a busy girl!

Below are some of the images from the shoot I did for Dress2impress.....

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Mary, Sophie, Ella and Will

This weekend was really busy! I photographed a lovely wedding on Saturday (images to follow) and a really fun family portrait shoot on Sunday.
I took Mary, Sophie, Ella and Will to one of my favourite locations to photograph and we spent a couple of hours playing.
Thank you to the wonderful Will for the singing and dancing for me- you are a little star and I'm sure you will be on real stage when you are grown up!
Ella, I really enjoyed exposing those gorgeous dimples.
And Sophie, you were truly lovely with your little brother and sister, you are a very lovely girl and I wish you a very happy 16th birthday this weekend.

I hope you enjoy your images as much as I did taking them!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

My lovely family....

Summer holidays are here and between dodging the heavy rain showers I just love to take my family outdoors to play. Today we visited the lovely Skippool creek and had fun pretending there were pirates, finding buried treasure and chasing each other in the most beautiful fields of high grass, to me this is what childhood is about, pretending, exploring and being with the people you enjoy. These are some of my treasured memories of the day......

Friday, 6 August 2010

Teen Photoshoot

Totally different from the way I usually photograph, different style, location, age group and dare I say a bit of a fashion feel. My oh my!
Found by a good friend, I totally loved this urban area, endless opportunities for a great photograph. I even tried out some different lighting techniques. Exciting!!!!

Monday, 12 July 2010

Family portrait session

Yesterdays photo shoot was shot at a cute little park in Stannah, despite the high winds the children were fabulous and didn't complain once. Linzi Thopson invited me to photograph her family as it's not too often that they all get together, I hope you enjoy your images.......

Friday, 9 July 2010

Rachel and Andrew

I met Rachel and Andrew towards the end of last year. They are the lovliest couple and I have the absolute pleasure to be photographing their wedding next year which I have to say I am very excited about, the planning is coming along lovely and they have some really fantastic ideas to make their special day totally unique, I am sure it will be magic.
We met up a couple of weeks ago for an engagment photo shoot and they were kind enough to treat me to a lovely lunch at the beutiful Rivington Barns.

I have added a short video below of some of the images we got, enjoy.......

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Family portrait

I was asked to photograph a family last weekend which was to be a gift for their fathers 50th birthday. Emma, Harriet and Jess all looked stunning and little Isaac is adorable with his blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Below is a preview of one of the images, more will follow over the next couple of days

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Daisy Apple

What a cute name for a gorgeous little baby. I photographed Daisy in May, she looks so angelic fast asleep, only a few weeks old. I hope to photograph more tiny babies in the future.

A selection of images......