Monday, 22 June 2009

Studley castle

I recently went on a couple of days photographic training at Studley castle which is near Stratford Upon Avon. It's such a beautiful part of England and despite what threatened to be a dull two days turned out to be lovey. There were many inspiring photographers including Drew Gardener, Adrian Weinbrecht and Mike Larson (destination wedding photographer) the event was hosted by The Flash Centre and training included photography, buisness skills, marketing, dealing with clients, posing your models and sunbounce reflectors.

Studley castle: accomodation for two days. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

Above: Adrian Weinbrecht.
Not only a very funny man but an extremely tallented, creative photographer. I chatted to him for a long time picking his brains for anything he could teach me. Watch this space as I intent to try something in the style of his photography soon.

I was particularly impressed with the sunbounce products and even though they are quite expensive I have invested in a zebra micro as it adds such beautiful fill in light for any portrait and I'm sure will enhance any photograph I take in the future.
Mike Larson was a delight to listen too, he is so passionate about photography and people- as I am and he shared lots of useful tips to add to buisness practice.
I took a selection of shots which I have added to this blog which (trying a get a dfferent angle or perspective on things) proved to be a creative experience in itself. I stood on the largest ant hills I have ever seen, shot through the tiniest gaps in trees and photographed into the sun for an intersting perspective.

1 comment:

Mike Larson said...

nice shots and writing here! Thanks for coming out to the workshop!